週年紀念列車組 – “福拉爾貝格州鐵路 150 週年” – 由 1670 系列電力機車和奧地利聯邦鐵路的四輛客車組成。
該列車組包括一輛 1670 型電力機車、三輛 Bpo 型 Schlieren 貨車和一輛 Dih 型 Spanten 行李車。
■ 1980 年代 P 5519(布雷根茨-蘭德克)的真實列車編組
■ 首次採用 PluX22 接口和聲音的機車
■ 具有可切換的駕駛室照明 ■
■ 首次採用 Schlieren 車廂外殼修改後採用綠色配色方案
■ 帶有封閉的蝕刻標誌集
1872 年 7 月 1 日,隨著福拉爾貝格鐵路(林道 – 布魯登茨、勞特拉赫 – 聖瑪格麗滕和費爾德基希 – 布赫斯)的開通,福拉爾貝格的鐵路時代開始了。
為了提高福拉爾貝格鐵路的盈利能力,直接連接到君主國的鐵路網絡至關重要。因此,福拉爾貝格鐵路實際上只是第一個與奧地利其他鐵路連接的項目。該鐵路於 1884 年與阿爾貝格鐵路 (Arlbergbahn) 一起開通。

Anniversary train set “150 years of railways in Vorarlberg”- consisting of an electric locomotive class 1670 and four coaches of the Austrian Federal Railways.
The train set contains an electric locomotive class 1670, three “Schlieren” coaches type Bpo and a “Spanten” baggage coach type Dih.
Locomotive update!
■ Authentic train formation of the P 5519 (Bregenz – Landeck) in the 1980s
■ Locomotive with PluX22 interface and sound available for the first time
■ In digital mode with individually switchable headlights or tail lights
■ With switchable driver’s cab lighting in digital mode
■ Premiere: “Schlieren” coach after overhaul of coach body; in green livery
■ With set of etched signs included
The opening of the Vorarlberg Railway (Lindau – Bludenz, Lauterach – St. Margrethen and Feldkirch – Buchs) on July 1 1872 marked the beginning of the railway era in Vorarlberg.
To improve the economic efficiency of the Vorarlberg Railway, a direct connection with the railway network of the monarchy was indispensable. Thus the Vorarlberg Railway was practically the first realised train connection project with the other railways in Austria. It was opened together with the Arlbergbahn in 1884.